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Test Prep | Academic Support | Executive Function Coaching
Kate Fisher is extraordinary. My daughters, except for lack of prior exposure to standardized testing, were and remain very different people. But each has benefited immensely from working with Kate. In fairly short order, under her disciplined yet gentle supervision, my teens have become much more confident, genuinely in command and effective at test taking. (Milestones include but are hardly limited to an admission to Stuyvesant). Kate is a first-class intellect. Her mastery of testing methods and test-taking techniques is deep and nuanced. She is incisive at identifying test-taking weaknesses and gifted at cultivating strengths to build on. Even more importantly, Kate leavens her rigorous approach with keen sensitivity to adolescent emotions and anxiety. That, perhaps above all, is the secret to Kate’s success helping kids to unlock their capabilities and impressively advance.
Jonathan E.
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